Teradata Unleashes AI Discovery and Exploration Tools on the AWS Cloud Playground

Teradata Corp., the wizard of big data analytics, is upping its AI game with the launch of the Teradata AI Unlimited platform, now prancing around in a private preview on Amazon Web Services Inc.’s cloud. If you’re wondering what that means, imagine a party where data scientists, data engineers, and developers are all invited to dance with a serverless AI and machine learning engine.

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Dancing in the Clouds

Teradata is usually the cool cat in the room with its big-data software platform, VantageCloud Lake. This new AI platform, aptly named Teradata AI Unlimited, is like the dance partner that waltzes in step with ClearScape Analytics, Teradata’s fancy analytics feature set.

ClearScape Magic

Teradata boasts that AI Unlimited integrates ClearScape Analytics tools with a low-cost environment, giving you the power to explore and discover AI applications like a pro treasure hunter. It’s not just a serverless platform; it’s the cool kid in the AWS AI ecosystem, making exploration feel like a breezy adventure.

Building Castles in the Cloud

Teradata wants this platform to be the foundation of your AI dreams. It’s got parallel processing features and the ability to build and run AI models at a scale that would make Godzilla jealous—all thanks to AWS’ cloud infrastructure. Bring your own AI model to the party, fine-tune it, and let the exploration begin.

Data, Data Everywhere

Don’t worry about data drama; Teradata’s got you covered. You can access data in open-file formats like Parquet, CSV, and JSON, using tools like Jupyter Notebooks, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, and even good old Microsoft Excel. Soon, it’ll also support Open Table Format-compatible data lakes, because why not?

Hillary’s Wisdom

Teradata’s Chief Product Officer, Hillary Ashton, is on a mission to help customers find the pot of gold in AI. She says, “[It is] another step forward in supporting our customers’ AI initiatives, giving them the ability to cost-effectively and securely explore, experiment, and operationalize new AI use cases.” It’s like having a wise AI fairy godmother guiding you through the enchanted forest of data.

Doug’s Take

According to Doug Henschen of Constellation Research Inc., Teradata AI Unlimited is like a backstage pass for data scientists and SQL-savvy users. It’s a chance to access Teradata’s backstage magic for machine learning and data analysis at scale. ClearScape speaks SQL, but it also grooves with Python, making it the life of the data party.

Cloudy with a Chance of Exploration

Guess what? You can access AI Unlimited on-demand via the AWS Marketplace. No need for a complicated dance routine—just spin up those computing resources when you need them and spin them down when you’re done. The best part? You only pay for the time you spend exploring. It’s like a pay-as-you-dance AI extravaganza.

Mission: Harmonize Data

Teradata’s CEO, Steven McMillan, spilled the beans in an interview, saying their goal is to “harmonize data” in organizations. Think of it as creating a symphony of data, ensuring that AI applications hit all the right notes.

They want to be the maestro of data, conducting the orchestra of accurate and reliable AI applications. So, put on your AI dancing shoes and join Teradata in this cloud-based soirée. It’s time to waltz through the data and make some AI magic

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