Data Recovery Firm Reveals Severe Hardware Issues Plaguing SanDisk’s Faulty SSDs

Western Digital’s subsidiary, SanDisk, is currently swimming in troubled waters as a class action lawsuit looms over its failing SSDs. Users are frustrated, claiming that their precious data is at risk,
despite SanDisk’s assurances that a firmware update has resolved the issue. However, a recent report from a data recovery company, Attingo, suggests that the real problem lies in the flawed hardware design of the drives.
The Flawed SSD Odyssey
SanDisk finds itself in a sticky situation as users grumble about failing SSDs, questioning the effectiveness of the supposedly miraculous firmware update. Attingo, an Austria-based data recovery company, dives into the heart of the matter.
Technicians at Attingo claim to have encountered a steady stream of SanDisk portable SSD units, each one bearing the burden of potential data loss. Their diagnosis? It’s not just a firmware problem; the hardware itself is playing the villain.
Bold Design Choices and Oversized Components
Attingo technicians, in an interview with the German publication Futurezone, spilled the beans on the faulty drives. According to them, SanDisk SSDs exhibit a substantial number of errors, all pointing to hardware hiccups rather than firmware fumbles. The culprits? Poor welding jobs and components that are a tad too big for their SSD britches.
Attingo’s investigation reveals that the soldering process of the SSDs is where things go awry. The soldering material creates bubbles, making the drives more prone to breaking. It seems like the SSDs are going through a rebellious teenage phase, refusing to adhere to the strict guidelines set by their parental company.
SanDisk’s Defense: No Hardware Hiccups Here!
In response to Attingo’s accusations, SanDisk stands its ground, vehemently denying any major hardware flaws. The company emphasizes its commitment to product quality, boasting about rigorous testing procedures. According to SanDisk,
its products go through an intensive DFM (design for manufacturing) quality assessment, and the PCB assembly and design strictly adhere to industry standards. They even claim to get their solder paste from an industry-leading supplier – as if the soldering material had gone rogue without their knowledge.
Firmware or Hardware: The Great Debate
SanDisk remains resolute, insisting that the failing SSDs are victims of a “firmware issue” that their recent update successfully tackled. However, users and various publications beg to differ, claiming that the update did little to remedy the situation.
SanDisk acknowledges the discrepancy, stating that they are gathering more information. It seems like the firmware update didn’t bring the expected happy ending to this SSD saga.
In the battle between firmware and hardware, the SSDs remain caught in the crossfire. As users anxiously wait for a resolution, one thing is clear – the SSD rollercoaster is not for the faint of heart. Hold on tight, because the only bubbles you want are the ones in your bath, not in your SSD soldering material.